Sunday, September 16, 2007

What do you take me for...granted?

Being 1,903 miles away from home shows you how much you take things for granted. There are many things that I take for granted out there. The one I want to focus on is, mainly for CFBC members, potluck. After church today I was dying to get some food but having to be a good steward of God's money I decided to go home and cook for myself. I forgot how long it takes to make a meal. I am cooking the rice right now in my little cooker but boy is it taking forever. It is 2 o'clock and I still have not eaten anything.
I praise God for CFBC and the amount of food that we consume. We have food at almost every event and don't even give it a second thought of where it came from. It came from the Father of Lights, where all good and perfect gifts come from. Next Sunday I will prepare my food before I leave so that way I can heat it up and enjoy the blessing. Right now the Lord is giving me another's called a lesson of patience!


Anonymous said...

during praise and worship today, we sang "your grace is enough" with the CHIMES. it reminded me of you.

Gen said...

ah potluck is always great and yes sadly we do take it for granted!! But praise God that through your trials I am reminded of God's great provision on CFBC.... means girl said...

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creature here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy ghost. Amen."

Gen said...

yekkie i miss you...also i'll be praying that you find true fellowship and someone who can keep you accountable as you study and learn for His glory means girl said...

didyou buy your ticket yet? $206 from here to Mint-e-so-tan through expedia. let me know what you're doing. I still need to talk to Tita Linda means girl said...

wait...that's round trip, so yours'll be cheaper...