Monday, February 25, 2008

This Coming August

As of Friday February 22, 2008 I was accepted into The Bethlehem Institute! The program starts in August, which means 2-3 school years later I will be headed home to California if the Lord wills. I am extremely excited to see what God is going to sculpt out of me through this. I am also Lou-esque nervous because I feel inferior to the other student that were accepted. It's comforting that lot of them feel the same way. For those of you that prayed for me, thank you. Our prayers are answered and please continue to do so for sustaining grace through the program and while I wait. I have been extremely tired because of the two jobs that I have. I work from 8am to 10:30pm right now so that I can save up for school and rent.

I am also asking you if you read this to help me out financially. I have to give a $200 deposit for the school by March 15 showing that I want to be in the school. I ask unashamed because the Lord will provide if it his will. Right now I am living check to check so I do not have the extra $200. If the Lord moves your heart to help a brother out please do. Thank you for your help.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Sorry y'all. I know its been a while.

Nothing has changed. I still miss home. Still miss my nephews. I miss Grama so much.

While in the middle of writing this I had my second interview for the school. An elder of the church and the school called me and I had a phone interview. I think it went rather well but its hard to show what you can bring to the table over the phone. I think that it is much easier to have someone right in front of you because you can judge how it went by the demeanor of the interviewer. Anyway, if I don't get it I will move around into different areas of the country and see what the Lord will do with me. I'm looking into moving to NY, KY, or DC once my lease is done from here. If I do get into the school then I will be working my tail off so that I can save money and use it for school in August.

Please pray for the Lord to pull some strings for me and get me in the school. Also pray for Scott, Karl's roommate. Karl is the one I shared the gospel with lately and have been discipling recently. We had a discussion in Scott's presence and he got into it with us but he is an agnostic. Pray that the Lord will open his eyes and that God will breathe in him new life that the Gospel brings.

Ps. I miss True and Sabrina too!