Are weary from ministry? Are you getting tired? Do you feel heavy laden? I urge you to STAND brothers and sisters in Christ! STAND, all you who believe in the return of the King! STAND.....for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
We must persevere to the end of our lives if we treasure Christ. We must finish the race strong, fight the good fight, keep the faith. Do not give up bothers and sisters in the faith! Our glorious King will come back and on that day give us rest for the rest of eternity. Do not buy in to the American dream of having the nicest house, the coolest toys, the buffest body. Do you not treasure Christ more than these? The Christian life is marked with suffering all the way until we die. 2 Corinthians 4 says that Paul and Timothy were "slaves" for the brethren at Corinth for Christ's sake. Be slaves that show love for the people you minister to and to those are not saved so that they may see Christ in your lives. Please do not get comfortable in this life here on earth because there will be comfort for the rest of eternity but make your life count for Christ now. DO NOT waste your lives on what the world thinks success is. You do not live by their standards because are not of this world. We are citizens of heaven! We will dance around the throne singing praises to our Savior with our glorified bodies in the streets of gold. Remember, family, that is by the mercies of Christ that we are still here. Ministry is a mercy, we don't deserve it. Your husbands/wives are acts of mercy, you don't deserve it. Life itself is MERCY from the Almighty and Just God from which all mercy flows. WE DO NOT DESERVE IT! We deserve death! All praise to the Merciful God who sent His Son to die for you and I that we may live with Him!
Are you weary? Are you tired? Are you heavy laden? By the grace of GOD we must STAND.
WOW! Very powerful blog...we do need to STAND as Christians and not get tired of fighting or running the race. Praise God for the grace that He gives us to do all of these things.
God's Word has a way of reminding us what's important. I guess you just take God's mercy for granted because this world offers so many things that could become distractions-rather than things God gives us that pale in comparison with the more important things..Sharing the Gospel. Reading His word. Praying. Sharing in the sufferings of your fellow Christians as you try to help them..Sometimes it's hard to know when we're being too bold, not patient enough, or not loving enough in serving or sharing. It's hard not to be so excited-given what Christ has done and what's promised to us. But praise God that
the truths we may find offensive bring many to repentance. Keep at it brother. We have a good boss and king in Christ.
Praise God on how He is growing you Oatie! Praise God on how He is using you to encourage us even when we are in a different state. Praise God for this reminder that we must stand firm in the faith...those who perseveres Conquers!! Oh let us Stand in unity, and continue to pursue holiness and to further His kingdom!!!
Praise God for your insight. It encouraged me to look at ministry with a different set of eyes.
Be Blessed
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