Sunday, August 24, 2008


The next 3 days I will be on a retreat with all the other TBI guys. This is the time we build great friendships and encourage one another for the coming year. I am so excited!!! I need all of your prayers because I have so many books to read. They said that we have to read every page and every paper that we write has to show that we have read the book in its entirety. I am not like PJ where I can burn holes in a book with my eyes or cause enough friction between the pages and my hands to start a fire like he can (if you have seen PJ read you know what I am talking about). I am excited for the growth that I will experience over these next few days and over the first semester.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last Visit

It is 12:53 and I am sitting in the airport at gate 69A in terminal six waiting for my flight. I am exhausted. As soon as I step foot on that plane I am going to knock out. I had such a good time on this trip. I got to see Teddy (puppet) back in action and see some these kids that used to be in my class last year. I miss VBS so much. I have been a part of VBS for the past ten years so you can imagine how hard it was not to be a part of it. I look back and see all these teachers and assistants in this VBS and I am amazed at how many of this staff was in my class at one point.

Xander’s 2nd birthday party was really fun too. It was great seeing everyone there, especially Ruby. Those of us that were there know exactly what I am talking about. Have you ever seen such a competitive spirit expressed in that manner? I haven’t seen it since… Ruby got married (thanks Ben for calming her down). The moon bouncer was fun also. Attacking Mike Pascual is one of my favorite things to do in this world but to do that in the moon bouncer makes it way more exciting. Making him squeal like a little piglet brings much joy to me.

I had a blast hanging out with my Family and friends. Those of you that I did get to hang out with, thank you for making my visit out to California an extremely fun and memorable one. I love you guys and hope to be serving you all soon through fellowship and the word of God.